Sabtu, 19 Februari 2011

The Sukhoi Su-35

The Sukhoi Su-35 (formerly Su-27M;Cyrillic: Сухой Су-35, NATO reporting name: Flanker-E) is a Russian heavy class, long-range, multi-role one-seat fighter. Developed from the original Su-27 air superiority fighter, it was originally designated Su-27M and later named Su-35. Due to the similar features and components it contains, the Su-35 is considered a close cousin of the Sukhoi Su-30MKI, a modernized Su-30 variant for India. The original Su-35 has been further developed into the Su-35BM, classed as 4++ generation fighter by its manufacturer. It entered into serial production as the Su-35S. The Su-35 is in service in small numbers with the Russian...
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Mil Mi-26

The Mil Mi-26 (Russian Ми-26, NATO reporting name "Halo") is a Soviet/Russian heavy transport helicopter. It is in service with civilian and military operators. It is the largest and most powerful helicopter ever to have gone into production.  VariantsV-29 Prototype. Mi-26 (NATO - 'Halo-A') Military cargo/freight transport version. Mi-26A Upgraded version with an upgraded flight/navigation system. Mi-26M Upgraded version of the Mi-26, designed for better performance. Mi-26MS Aeromedical evacuation version. Mi-26NEF-M Anti-submarine warfare version. Mi-26P Passenger transport version, with accommodation for 63 passengers. Mi-26PP Radio...
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Ka-50 "Black Shark

The Kamov Ka-50 "Black Shark" (Russian: Чёрная акула; Chornaya Akula, NATO reporting name: Hokum A) is a single-seat Russian attack helicopter with the distinctive coaxial rotor system of the Kamov design bureau. It was designed in the 1980s and adopted for service in the Russian army in 1995. It is currently manufactured by the Progress company in Arsenyev. During the late 1990s, Kamov and Israel Aerospace Industries developed a tandem-seat cockpit version, the Kamov Ka-50-2 "Erdogan", to compete in Turkey's attack helicopter competition. Kamov also designed another two-seat variant, the Kamov Ka-52 "Alligator" (Russian: Аллигатор, NATO reporting...
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